Happy? Crystal Clear? If these words are familiar to you, you have more than likely sat through one of this gentleman’s classes! He is serious about research and how to conduct it, publishing his own research methods guides (Practical Research Methods for Media and Cultural Studies) that I am sure many of his students and colleagues are more than familiar with!
Research Methods aside, Nick has contributed many commendable pieces of research of his own to the world of journalism. This afternoon, we introduce to you Nick Mosdell as we continue our journey down memory lane. #ButeMemoriesHappy?
OurButeMemories: Which course do you lead?
Nick: I’m Deputy Director of the snappily-titled MA International Public Relations and Global Communications Management.
OurButeMemories: When did you start to teach in Jomec?
Nick: Around 2003. I never imagined I’d become a lecturer but there wasn’t much quantitative methods teaching so I sort of fell into it.
OurButeMemories: What is your best memory from that time? What has changed? (In terms of the industry)
Nick: So many memories! There were a lot of big characters in Bute:
· For your older listeners – the sound of Mike Ungersma’s voice: Like liquid chocolate laced with Bourbon and cigar smoke.
· The always emotional Digital Storytelling evenings with the brilliant Daniel Meadows and the talented students he inspired.
· Old School characters like Geoff Mungham and Mike Hogan who could tell the most captivating stories. None of which are suitable to repeat.
I think my best memory is the first time a group of students actually understood something I said! Seeing them change from “This is too difficult, I can’t do it” to “I understand! And actually, this is quite fun” was great. It’s so rewarding to see students enjoy learning new skills and watching them grow in confidence.
I remember talking about it afterwards with my friend and colleague John Jewell and he described the experience as a “privilege” and I think that sums it up perfectly.
Bute has changed a lot since I was first here. It’s always been a world-leading journalism training school but the expanding academic offers, and the hybrid courses – “Hackademic”, “Pracademic”, call them what you will – have added to that. It’s always a buzz in September when a new batch of excited students cram into the leaky Bute corridors. There are a lot of very talented people here that make sure the School is at the cutting edge of the industry and that’s reflected in the standings in numerous league tables.
OurButeMemories: Do you recall any friendships from that time you still cherish?
Nick: One of my closest friends is the School Manager Jo Marshall-Stevens (known as the Jo in Jomec).
I’ve made loads of friends, both staff and students, and met some truly inspiring people along the way.
It’s always been a friendly place and the staff socialise regularly, especially at the legendary Christmas party.
OurButeMemories: What impact do you feel the school has had on your career?
Nick: Completely defined it. I was drifting a little bit when I first came to Bute but I’ve been lucky enough to be part of some great research and great teaching teams and the place has developed me enormously as a person. I’ve developed new skills, grown in self confidence, and now have a ridiculously long job title.
OurButeMemories: Who would you nominate to share a Bute memory?
Nick: John Jewell, Huw Thomas, Jo Marshall-Stevens, Elliot Pill
OurButeMemories: What would be your one moment of excellence you experienced during your time at Bute?
Nick: Huw’s annual performance in the staff Christmas quiz. Always excellent, and always somehow slightly dodgy…
Seeing the School gain more and more international recognition for the quality of the teaching and research.
The thing I’m probably most proud of is being involved in a project that looked at the reporting of the 2003 Iraq war. It was a massive amount of work in a very short timescale, but I still think we did a decent job. We published a not-even-remotely-best-selling book and I once caught my dad reading it with interest. Plus, I got to interview some major players at the Ministry of Defence and at the Pentagon which was pretty cool.
OurButeMemories: Can you talk about Mapping the Parameters of Peril and your work regarding dangerous journalism?
Nick: Another thing I kind of fell in to. I was asked to help with the design and analysis of a project that was looking at journalism casualties – how many, where, what the circumstances were, and so on – and then became the lead on that. We contributed the stats to a major report called Killing the Messenger for the International News Safety Institute and this has been updated twice a year since then. The first report was launched at a press conference in London and was live on UK national TV news. I still have the scars from my fellow researcher who dug her fingernails into my leg any time the numbers were questioned by journalists. Luckily the release was chaired by Richard Sambrook, who joined Jomec a few years later, and handled effortlessly.
Thanks Nick!!